So often we prioritize everything above us and we leave little time to take care of ourselves and our
bodies. Carving out time to focus on you is so important and it starts by making the commitment
to move a daily basis.
This may sound like a big
task and you may already be cutting yourself short saying “I can’t work out every day!” You
don’t have to work out every day, but you do have to move!
The night before, set out your gym clothes…down to the socks. What do you want to dedicate that time to? Cardio, strength, yoga, it’s up to you. YouTube is a great resource to get you going. See my favorite fitness influencers and motivators below. These are quick videos or routines that make you break a sweat.
Start small and build from
there…20 minutes, leads to 30, and soon enough you will be hoping out of bed
ready for your gym swagger!
For next week, I dare you to
workout 3 mornings with me. Use the hashtag #MeliQFit and let me know how you
spent your “My Time.”
Favorite Workouts
- Tone it Up – Hitty BittyBikini
- Sarah Beth Yoga – Cardi-Yoga
- Lauren Gleisberg -- Legs & Booty